Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity is the ability of the brain to change and adapt structurally and physiologically. It covers the structural and functional changes that Nov-Decons and the synapses they form (the space between neurons that allows neurons to send messages to other neurons or cells such as muscles, and glands) in the brain show in response to internal and environmental stimuli and changes. Neurogenesis is the production of new nerve cells, that is, neurons. Neuroplasticity plays an important role in the self-healing of the brain in conditions such as injury and deterioration of the brain, as well as activities such as learning, forgetting, and remembering. Although it is thought that neuroplasticity processes progress faster during childhood, it has been understood that this ability of the brain continues in adulthood with recent research.
Neoplasticity and Diseases
Understanding neuroplasticity is important for degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, stroke, brain tumors, and Parkinson's disease. In addition to these degenerative diseases, current research shows that insufficient neuroplasticity ability in the brain's structures that are effective in mood formation, such as the hippocampus and amygdala, may also play an important role in the development of psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety.
In order for neuroplasticity to occur, the brain must be able to obtain information and respond to the future based on this information. It is also thought that processes such as storing, combining and Deciphering information in memory lead to some changes in synapses. Considering these factors and the importance of neuroplasticity for memory, any disruption that will occur in these processes can lead to the development of mood disorders.
With current research, the relationship between neuroplasticity and depression is coming to the agenda more and more, and the belief that a neuroplasticity disorder may play a role in the formation of depression is becoming stronger.
How Can We Improve Our Neuroplasticity Capacity?
Physical exercise: In addition to its many health benefits, physical exercise also positively affects our neuroplasticity capacity. In order to increase our neuroplasticity capacity, we can turn to a sports branch that interests you, go on nature walks, and ride bicycles.
Meditation: Activities such as meditation and yoga will help you cope with stress, which will relax you both physically and mentally, while also positively affecting your neuroplasticity capacity.
Get out of the routine: Taking up new hobbies such as musical instruments, dancing or art, exploring new places and even learning a new language will positively affect the neuroplasticity capacity of the mind.
Pay attention to your diet and sleep patterns: Sleep is the source of nutrition for the mind and body. While we sleep, our mind, body, and brain are both rested, refreshed, and repair themselves. Eating according to the needs of the body and mind and adequate sleep patterns are an important factor for neuroplasticity.
Reading books: Reading books and new fiction increases the ability of neuroplasticity, strengthens brain connections, as well as positive effects on subjects such as thinking skills, vocabulary, and empathy ability.
Memory games and puzzles: You can solve puzzles, and play memory games to improve your memory and neuroplasticity capacity.
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