Sometimes we think that there are some people around us whose behaviors, attitudes and situations need to change. Moreover, we do this without knowing that these people have tried to change in the past and failed, and therefore their reasons for changing have diminished and their desire has disappeared. So, is it possible to make changes in these people? How to structure the process for change? We find answers to your questions in the handbook titled "Change-Encouraging Interview Method (Motivational Interviewing)" by Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul KÖROĞLU, which is a reference book that can be used by everyone who is educated and working in the field of mental health services.

Sep 20, 2024 - 22:23
Sep 26, 2024 - 19:38
 0  51

Köroğlu emphasizes that people who do not want to change develop contradictory thoughts
about change, and when working with people who have contradictory thoughts, he
emphasizes the need for people to express their reasons for change themselves. “People
generally believe more in their own thoughts and trust their own thoughts more than those
of others.” uses the expression. In this context, Motivational Interviewing appears as a
person-oriented and effective method in the process of making change, allowing people to
talk about change in line with their own interests and values.

Köroğlu compares the motivational interviewing method to dancing together softly, rather
than wrestling together. In this context, the basis of the method is to help rather than force
change. Establishing purposeful cooperation, valuing the person unconditionally within the
concept of acceptance, providing empathy, respecting their autonomy, and making
affirmations aimed at revealing the person's potential are situations that will contribute to the
progress of the process.
So, let's take a look at what stages await us in this process.


It is the process of creating the therapeutic atmosphere required to create a functional
relationship based on mutual trust and love. It includes some basic interviewing skills that
must be used in the process in order for the person to feel respected and understood, to have
their expectations met, and to benefit from the interview. These skills include asking
open-ended questions, affirmation, reflection and summarization.
Reflective listening skill is useful for a person to understand that what he said was
understood, to continue his speech, to clarify his situation and to gather information. It
constitutes the process of understanding and re-expressing the content and feelings of what a
person says. A good reflection should be short, easy to understand, reinforce the person's
thoughts, and not disrupt the information flow of the conversation.
Open-ended questions have a nature that makes the person think during the answering
process, where the answer is not "yes" or "no". It is effective in determining the behaviors
that need to be changed in the person, initiating the conversation about the change, collecting
more information and ensuring the person's active participation in the process. It is very important to reflect after such questions in the process in order to clarify the understood
situation. Closed-ended questions are questions that require short answers and are not
recommended because they limit a person's answer options.
Affirmation is the approval of a person's good and strong aspects and emphasizing their
positive characteristics. It is effective in motivating the person.
Summarizing is a skill used to maintain the fluidity of the conversation, transition to a new
topic, and end the conversation.

This is the stage where the goal to be achieved at the end of the process is determined.
Whether the subject to be focused on is clear, needs to be decided among the options, or is
unclear, this brings about the organization of the process by the expert. The unclear focus
gives the expert a directive attitude. In order to determine the direction of change, focusing
on the person's strengths, personal values and desire to change contributes to the process. In
cases where the focus is clear, it is possible to proceed to the next stages. In case of making a
decision among the options, presenting alternatives is another way to show the person the
importance of his autonomy.

This is the stage where maintenance talk and change talk become important. It involves the
process of strengthening the change conversation after a good relationship is established with
the person and the focus is determined. Having conflicting thoughts during the helping
process causes the person to make a maintenance speech to continue the situation. In order to
achieve a successful outcome from the interview process, change-oriented talk should be
more dominant. There are some elements that can bring about change in people. These appear
as desire, sufficiency (I can, I can), justification (if possible), need (I must, I must). The
language of desire for change in people, the positive perception of being able to do it,
presenting specific reasons to emphasize its importance, and using the expression of necessity
are important to recognize and strengthen the change speech.
In making change, it is aimed to give an action speech after the preparation speech. In this
context, in action speech, the processes of taking initiative, which describes planning to make
change, activation, which expresses being ready and prepared for change, and taking a step,
which defines taking an initiative towards change, gain importance.
In the process of creating a change conversation, approaches such as the importance meter,
which rates the importance people attach to change from 0 to 10, extreme questioning to take
their anxiety to extremes and make them think of the worst possible situation, making them
look at the past by reminding them of the times before the problem, and making them look at
the future by visualizing the future, are used.

This is the stage where it is discussed how and when the change will occur. Here it is
necessary to benefit from the elements of the action change process. In this process, it is
important to be with people while creating a functional change plan for them. The decision
and implementation of the change bill belongs to the individual.
An increase in change talk, a decrease in maintenance talk, asking questions about change
and making decisions, visualizing situations in which change occurs, and taking steps for
change are signs that people are ready for the process of designing change.
In cases where the bill is clear, a summary is presented and the questions of the action change
speech are used, while in cases where it is unclear and there are multiple options for change,
priority is determined and a choice is made.


Applying the method in a group provides group members with the benefits of being accepted
by others, gaining new perspectives and changing perspectives, learning from interpersonal
interactions, understanding and revealing themselves, thinking about others and guiding


1. KÖROĞLU, E. (2021). Change motivational interviewing method handbook
(Motivational Interviewing).Ankara: Esenkal Publishing

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