Jack Reacher (the main character of the TV series Reacher) was born in the United...
Kafka's work "The Metamorphosis" is known as a striking allegory of the individual's...
The main character of the television show "The Boys," which is based on the comic...
Sometimes we think that there are some people around us whose behaviors, attitudes...
“A neurotic person chases something by running away and always arrives where it...
Keeping up with popular culture is seen as a necessity for everyone living today....
Let's take a look at The Green Guide, a movie about the great journey of two diametrically...
The TV show Sex and the City has become a comfort series for women of its time and...
The film Black Swan( Black Swan), directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie...
In the exploration of human relationships and emotions, Erich Fromm's perspective...
You are reading an article in which I made a brief analysis of the book titled Envy...
The movie Issız Adam, directed by Çağan Irmak and released in 2008, has been the...
The book, written by Paulo Coelho, begins with the main character Veronica getting...
The animated film Soul made by Disney Pixar in 2020. Actually it differs from other...
“I do not like to work with patients who are in love. Perhaps it is because of envy...