When we say adaptation, we think of the adaptation process we provide to the social environment without conflict, but it would not be logical to equate and compare the relationship between conflict and peaceful development with the concept of pathological-normal. To put it more clearly, the so-called normal person is neither immune from problems, pathologies, nor conflicts. Conflicts are part of being human. Only the conflict areas and intensities of certain pathological cases differ from normal individuals.

May 30, 2024 - 22:14
Jun 3, 2024 - 14:24
 0  87

Adaptation processes are influenced by both temperament and the external environment and are more effectively determined by the ontogenital stage of the organism. Man does not have to reconcile with his environment in every generation because this relationship is secured by evolution or traditions. We inherit many of our problem-solving methods from others (prototypes, traditions). In a sense, a person lives in past generations as well as in his own generation, thus creating a network of identifications and ideal formations for ways and forms of adaptation. Therefore, the most important harmony that a person must establish is the harmony he/she will establish with the social structure and the cooperation he/she will make in this process. Because it is the structure of society that decides which forms of behavior will have the highest chance of adaptation. This social predisposition not only explains normal development and social organization, but also attempts to explain more abnormal behaviors such as neurosis, psychopathy, and criminal developments.

Adjustment problems often arise from weaknesses in a person's ego functions. In other words, the problem of adjustment generally refers to the impairment in a person's ability to cope harmoniously with their inner world and the outer world. Factors such as inadequate sense of self, poor perception of reality, and excessive or inadequate use of defense mechanisms may be underlying factors of adaptation problems. 

According to Hartmann, resolution of adjustment problems is usually achieved through psychoanalytic therapy or therapeutic interventions. These therapies focus on strengthening a person's ego functions, developing healthier defense mechanisms, and achieving harmony between the inner and outer worlds. Additionally, the following can be applied:

  1. To solve compliance problems, it is important to first recognize and accept the problem. Understanding what the problem is and how it affects it is the first step to finding a solution.
  2. Identifying the source of compatibility issues is important to resolving the problem. The problem may be in relationships, work, family, or an internal situation. When resources are clarified, the problem can be addressed more effectively.
  3.  Help may be sought from friends, family members or professionals. A therapist or counselor can take a more in-depth look at adjustment issues and suggest effective solutions.
  4.  It may be necessary to improve communication skills. Expressing your own feelings, trying to understand the other party's point of view, and empathizing can increase harmony in relationships.
  5. To resolve adjustment issues, it is important to adopt stress management techniques and self-care habits. Stress-reducing activities such as regular exercise, meditation and breathing exercises can help maintain emotional balance. 
  6. Addressing problems step by step, finding alternative solutions, and evaluating possible consequences can help find more effective solutions. 
  7. You can recognize your own strengths, improve your weaknesses, and strive for personal growth.

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Ebrar Koku Merhaba, ben Ebrar Koku. Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt üniversitesinde Psikoloji bölümünde öğrenciyim, 4üncü sınıfım. Çeviri yapmak benim için bir hobi sayılabilir, ilgi çekici ve bilgilendirici konularda yazılan makaleleri sizler için çevirmekten mutluluk duyuyorum. İyi okumalar :)