"Playing and Reality" by Donald W. Winnicott emerges as a work containing his clinical...
“Nobody understands me, I don't enjoy anything, I constantly make mistakes, I hate...
John Gottman was born on October 26, 1942 in Germany. He is the director of the...
The attachment theory that John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth studied refers to the...
The need for belonging is a fundamental psychological need that represents the desire...
Motivation is a word of Latin origin and is derived from the word 'movere', which...
Have your ever experienced that you are not belong to situations which you are in?...
Dreams are a way to self-discovery by deciphering their meanings, waiting to be...
Transactional analysis is a theory that aims to explain many areas of psychology...
For each event or moment we experience in our lives, our brain matches an emotion....
Have you ever found yourself constantly thinking that you have a disease? Or have...
The Electra complex is a theory put forward by Carl Gustav Jung and corresponds...
Human is a social entity. He lives a healthy life by connecting with people, interacting...