Born in Switzerland on July 26, 1875, Jung's father was a Protestant parish priest. Jung, who had one sister, was a very introverted, very busy, lonely child. Jung, a boy who lit mysterious fires and played mysterious games, states that he copes with difficult situations by taking care of and thinking about the toys that are hidden in the attic of their house in a pencil box, and stated that having a secret plays a big role in the formation of his personality.

May 29, 2023 - 19:56
May 31, 2023 - 19:54
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Born in Switzerland on July 26, 1875, Jung's father was a Protestant parish priest. Jung, who had one sister, was a very introverted, very busy, lonely child. Jung, a boy who lit mysterious fires and played mysterious games, states that he copes with difficult situations by taking care of and thinking about the toys that are hidden in the attic of their house in a pencil box, and stated that having a secret plays a big role in the formation of his personality.

At the age of 11, he left his hometown and was sent to a high school in Basel, and both the new city and the school he attended were a shocking experience for Jung. The fact that the financial situation of the people here was quite good enabled him to realize how poor they were and to see his parents from a different perspective and to understand the troubles and sorrows of his family.

Jung found religion classes boring and mathematics too incomprehensible. Injured in an argument with a friend at school, Jung was happy that he would not go to school again, so that he could return to his inner world until he recovered. However, Jung's fainting spells worried his family a lot. Understanding his father's thought that it would be a disaster if this child was unable to work, Jung realized the seriousness of the situation and began to study. She returned to school a few weeks later and never had a fainting spell again. Thus, in his later years, he discovered his own neurosis and used the way he found himself to cope with his patients.

Jung, who was too busy with philosophy and religion in his high school years, continued his medical education in the following years at university and made his specialty in psychiatry.

Having received his medical doctorate degree, Jung began working with E. Bleuler, who first coined the term "schizophrenia" at the Burghölzi Psychiatric Hospital and is known for his work on this disorder. He developed the word association test. He later married Emma Rauschenbach in 1903. Emma was very helpful in Jung's work and learned to apply Jung's therapy method. The thoughts he expressed in his book "The Psychology of Dementia Praecox", which he wrote on schizophrenia in 1906, were not received positively like Freud's thoughts, but this is how he met Freud. Subsequently, Freud secured Jung's election as president when the International Psychoanalytical Association was founded. Freud even saw Jung as his heir. However, later on, Jung realized his disagreements with Freud and began to express them. Their relationship, which lasted 6 years until he criticizes Freud's theory in his work titled "Psychology of the Unconscious", ended in 1913 when they broke away from each other completely.

The book in which Jung tells his autobiography (Memories, Dreams, Thoughts) begins with the sentence "Life is a story in which the unconscious realizes itself."

After the death of his wife in 1955, Jung spent his last days at home with his relatives and died in the town where he was born on June 6, 1961.




İnanç, B.; Yerlikaya, E., (2022), Kişilik Kuramları (Theories of Personality), (18.baskı), Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, Ankara.

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