Solution-oriented therapy is defined as a future-oriented, goal-oriented, solution-oriented psychotherapy approach developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg and their colleagues in the early 1980s (De Shazer and Dolan, 2012).

When De Shazer started using this approach, he asked his clients to Decipher what was better in their lives between sessions. It is not a situation where clients are asked to start the process by drawing attention to their problems. In addition, the clients need to emphasize that some things are better, although no solutions have been reached for the problem brought by the clients. Although there are solutions that are important here, it will be inevitable that the solutions will not be noticed as long as the existing achievements are not noticed.
However, taking the in-depth examination of the causes of their problems out of the process significantly reduces the time required for consultation. In other words, when solutions are focused, consultation sessions end in less time. Behavior is more in the foreground than insight.
If we look at it from the consultant's perspective, consultants who adopt a solution-oriented approach take care to use their clients' words, so it becomes even easier for clients to understand the process. In this way, an ideal environment is created for both sides during the consultation process.
From the client's point of view, this process will help the client determine his own goals. The wishes of the client, not the consultant, are important, and clients are seen as experts who know themselves best. This situation brings with it the belief, trust, and respect for the client.
Solution-oriented therapy is based on principles such as;
“If it's not broken, don't fix it.”,
“Do more if it works.”,
“If it's not working, do something different.”,
“Small steps can lead to big changes.“,
"No problem always exists; there are always times when there is no problem, exceptions that can be taken advantage of.”,
“The future is both creatable and reconcilable." (De Shazer and Dolan, 2012).
Based on this, solving problems healthily as soon as possible instead of detailing them in depth is the essence of solution-oriented therapy, and many of the techniques used in therapy are attractive to clients because they focus people on the goal and the positive.
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