Sleep is generally an action that maintains order in human life, isolating the individual...
The film Black Swan( Black Swan), directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie...
In the exploration of human relationships and emotions, Erich Fromm's perspective...
The movie Issız Adam, directed by Çağan Irmak and released in 2008, has been the...
Dissociation, while literally expressing separation/detachment, is defined in psychological...
Prejudices and stereotypes appear among the hazy concepts that humanity encounters...
Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity is the ability of the brain to change and adapt...
The book, written by Paulo Coelho, begins with the main character Veronica getting...
Melanie Klein is a high school graduate Viennese psychoanalyst who analyzed her...
Theraplay is a structured game therapy approach based on attachment and interaction....
In our lives, sometimes we all worry about our physical health. In some periods,...
Wars are events that lead to quite complex effects that deeply affect people and...
Solution-oriented therapy is defined as a future-oriented, goal-oriented, solution-oriented...
Bipolar disorder is included in the category of mood disorders. In the previous...
Schemas are stereotyped thoughts about ourselves and our environment, developing...