"Depression: What You Need to Know"
Depression is a mental disorder that often causes low mood, hopelessness, loss of interest, sleep and appetite changes, fatigue, and loss of energy. This condition can affect daily functions and significantly reduce quality of life.

Depression is a mental disorder that often causes low mood, hopelessness, loss of interest, sleep and appetite changes, fatigue, and loss of energy. This condition can affect daily functions and significantly reduce quality of life.
Symptoms of depression may include:
Feeling constantly sad, hopeless, or helpless
Indifference and displeasure
Insomnia or excessive need for sleep
Appetite changes and weight loss or gain
Fatigue and loss of energy
Concentration problems and decision making difficulties
Feelings of self worthlessness or guilt
extreme irritability or restlessness
Suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts
Depression can be treated using a variety of methods. These methods may include medication, psychotherapy, exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes. Also, in some cases, other treatment options such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or magnetic stimulation therapy (TMS) may be used.
There are different types of depression. These include major depression, dysthymia, seasonal affective disorder, bipolar disorder, psychotic depression, and some other specific types. Depending on the type of depression, treatment methods and processes may vary.
Depression is a serious mental issue and it's no shame to seek professional help. Left untreated, depression can seriously affect quality of life and even lead to suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts. Anyone showing signs of depression should contact a healthcare professional and explore appropriate treatment options.
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