'Paul Eugen Bleuler was a prominent psychiatrist of the early 20th century who defined...
'If you hate a person, you hate something in that person that is part of yourself....
Trauma refers to events in which a person experiences significant physical or emotional...
'Externalizing in therapy helps to see problems as an independent story and focus...
'Everyone is against me, I don't trust anyone, they are planning against me, I have...
“Nobody understands me, I don't enjoy anything, I constantly make mistakes, I hate...
Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity is the ability of the brain to change and adapt...
'You have everything, live on the fat of the land, what more do you want?' Here's...
The book, written by Paulo Coelho, begins with the main character Veronica getting...
“I do not like to work with patients who are in love. Perhaps it is because of envy...
“Our position on the ladder is important to us because our self-image (how we perceive...
Child neglect and abuse is a situation that negatively affects the physical or psychological...
Specific phobia is a world where the extraordinary fears that enter our lives can...
Humans are born into the world in an effort to understand and make sense of it in...
In the process of making a decision, it is common to be left with no choice, caught...