We humans are social beings from the moment we born. We live in a society with order. We go out and socialize. All of us, suffer some kind of worry to a certain extent. But what if this anxiety crosses the line and causes us to become unable to enter social environments? People with social Anxiety Disorder are worried about entering social environments due to the fear of being judged and criticized, and they have great difficulty in controlling these anxieties. In this article, we ask the question "What is social anxiety and why does it arise?" we will look answers for this questions.

Dec 7, 2023 - 23:45
Dec 20, 2023 - 21:05
 0  60

Social phobia is a disorder in which individuals feel intense anxiety and concern about being judged, criticized, and embarrassed by others in social environments. This state of anxiety and worry creates physical symptoms such as tremors, sweating and redness in the body and voice that can be observed by others in individuals. The individual enters an even more complex situation by worrying about the physical symptoms created by anxiety. Thinking that people will see him as ridiculous, boring, weak, etc. they form negative judgments about themselves. In social situations, all their attention is on themselves, they think about how they look in the eyes of others. They avoid social environments and withdraw from them in order not to be in them, not to worry and not to create situations where they can be judged. This situation causes them to be seen as "shy, timid" by others. All these cause people with social anxiety to limit their lives. Symptoms of social phobia such as meeting others, eating out, talking in public, etc. are often exposed. The main symptoms of social phobia are:

·         Palpitation

·         Shortness of breath

·         Dry Mouth

·         Sweating

·         Trembling

·         Digestive problems

·         Muscle pains

There are three main subtypes of social phobia:

1.  Specific Type: It is revealed in specific and special cases.

2.  Common Type: This type is mentioned in most social environments and in cases of distress.

3.  Performance Anxiety: It occurs when the person performs and therefore is the center of attention. (going on stage, mass meals, etc.)

This disorder usually begins in childhood and adolescence. It is much more common in women. Depression, other anxiety disorders and alcohol addiction are very common in individuals with this disorder.

What is the Cause of it?

Multiple factors such as psychological, biological, environmental, and even cultural causes underlie social phobia. Anxiety responses and over protectionism challenge individuals to cope with anxiety. Also the roles and responsibilities imposed on us by the attitudes, values and judgments of the culture and society we live in can also cause an increase in the anxiety level of individuals. Childhood traumas and environmental judgments are among the most basic causes of social phobia. From a biological point of view, unbalanced serotonin releases negativities and lesions that occur in the organization are also thought to cause anxiety levels and therefore social anxiety.

How to Combat Social Anxiety?

Psychotherapy and drug treatments are mostly used in social anxiety treatments. It has been discovered in studies that Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective among psychotherapy approaches. Systematic exposure to individuals in therapies, relaxation is aimed to teach how to cope with social phobia and anxiety by applying pieces of training, social skills training, etc. For years to reduce anxiety and relieve the person benzodiazepines and tricyclic antidepressants used alone are not accepted today because they cause addiction in individuals. Today, SSRI treatments are generally preferred and accepted in drug treatments.


DATEM. Social Anxietyand Social Anxiety Disorder in All Aspects on 27.11.2023

Türkiye Psychriatry Association. Social Phobia. Dated 27.11.2023 Sosyal Fobi | TÜRKİYE PSİKİYATRİ DERNEĞİ ( 
Anonymous Author. Social Phobia. Dated 27.11.2023  Sosyal Fobi ve Sosyal Fobi Nasıl Yenilir - Klinik Psikolog Cem Kaya .
BDPD. Social Anxiety Disorder. Dated 27.11.2023

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Yiğit Mehmet Behrem Merhaba, sevgili okurlar. Ben Yiğit, üçüncü sınıf tercümanlık öğrencisiyim ve çeviri yaparak gelecek için tecrübe kazanmaya uğraşıyorum. Normalde oyun alanında uğraşıyor olsam da, burada da elimden geldiğince size iyi bir hizmet sunmaya çalışacağım. İyi okumalar!